Logo Ambulance Tasmania

If you own an AED, please register it with us on this page.

If you have come across an AED in the community that does not have an Ambulance Tasmania/GoodSAM label on it, please upload a photo of the AED (and select that you are not the AED owner).

For further information, please click here.

AEDs registered with the Ambulance Tasmania - GoodSAM program will also be published in a public AED view on LIST Map LISTmap - Land Information System Tasmania (thelist.tas.gov.au) noting that only the location details of the AED are published and no personal information pertaining to the AED owner is viewable.

Defibrillator information

If you have a cabinet code or special instructions, please select "No" and enter the access information.
Availability information
Location information

About you

If you are the AED owner registering for the first time, please enter your email address and select Yes to create an account (creating an account will allow you to maintain your registration whenever required).

You will subsequently receive an email to complete account set-up.

You will also receive a label; affix it to your AED and take a photo (including a portion of the wall it is attached to). Log into your account and upload this new image.

If you are not the AED owner, you do not need to create an account.

If you already have an account with us, this option will not do anything.